
With reference to posting up here on the La Marina Forum. As Angelique points out most - but not all, joined after receiving the leaflets that are being delivered on the Urbanisation. (We have now delivered to over 50% of houses). We have strived to make the forum more or less totally open and, of course, there are as always, several sides to an argument or point of view. It is this that has made the forum fairly popular (nearly 500 a day viewing this - the La Marina section).
This forum is also proving to be rather useful it seems in finding out information on a variety of different subjects that locals and visitors were/are looking for. We have even managed to get listed the times and stopping places for the summer bus that goes to the beach.
However I was somewhat taken aback by there not being a Sunday service. A lot of people arrive on a Saturday and the next day would like to be able to go to the beach. But unfortunately this is not possible – at the moment anyway!! No Buses are running on a Sunday or Red Days - well what does one say? I thought the Council were trying to promote the area.

La Marina

As always I support you as best I can.
I understand that you may not appreciate all of my comments but that is a consequence for both of us when partaking in a forum.
I hope, as our administrator that you feel whether you agree with me or not, unlike many in here, I try and believe I only discuss facts, I do not fantasise, interpret information, insinuate, I just stick to the facts and discuss them in this forum?
I appreciate this forum and thank you for administering it on our behalf.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-12 10:15:05 UTC

Fantsastic, at least our family can just walk around the corner and get the bus to the beach, thank you Ian x

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-12 18:32:46 UTC