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A new experience.

I love to walk the beaches, and a couple of days ago, I walked from Guardamar "prom" to the river estuary, something i've done loads of times.
I usually walk the pier and i'm always disgusted with some of the local fishermen, who just throw their rubbish into the rocks, despite several bins being handy.
But something strange and wonderful and sad happened. I noticed a cormorant ducking and diving in the sea, looking for a meal obviously.
As I walked back to the beach, the cormorant seemed to keep up with me, probably coincidental, I don't know. It then hopped out of the water, onto the rocks, quite near to me.
Never having seen a cormorant close up, I crept up to it slowly, trying not to scare it. To my surprise, the bird seemed quite calm and I actually sat on the rocks next to it, literally inches away from it. To my horror, I noticed a fishing line about 2 ft long hanging from it's mouth. I can only think that it had dived, caught a fish that was already hooked, and the fisherman hauled them both in, realised the problem, then just cut his line to let the bird on its way.
What could I do ? Thoughts were going through my head, I didn't want to leave it to suffer and if I caught the bird, I couldn't possibly get the hook out because it was probably in it's stomach, and all the time, this wild creature seemed to be saying "help me" because it wasn't trying to get away from me.
I spoke to a passing Spaniard and he said he would speak to a couple of workmen who were on a job a few hundred yds away.
Meanwhile, while I was trying to comfort the bird, the kindly workman was on his way over. He seemed concerned, and between us, we caught the bird, who ungratefully, pecked him a few times.
We got back to his van, where he then phoned a vet, but then they both got in the van and said it was quicker to go to the vets.
I'll probably never know what happened to the bird, but I hope it recovered obviously, It seemed to have faith in me otherwise it would have flown off.
Thanks also to the two Council workmen.

Must say that was a really worth reading post. Well done Big Ed. Would be nice if you ever did find the outcome of your good deed.I always maintain that La marina is basically made up of real nice caring people, even if some of us do voice our opinions on things, fact is back in UK we would not be able to do that.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2014-07-06 13:38:08 UTC